滙豊銀行(中国)預金 / Deposits

HSBC 中国のプレミアで利用できる口座は以下のとおりです。
口座開設時はとりあえず、人民元口座Settlement Account と、マルチカレンシー口座から円と米ドルの送金口座を開設しておけばいいでしょう(その場でいくらかの外貨現金を入金する場合は、自動的に現金口座が開設されます)。

Renminbi Deposits

以下の口座がある。電信送金での入出金が可能で、デビットカードが発行される決済口座SettlementAccount は必須。

Savings Account

ステイトメント預金口座Statement Savings Accountは、支店窓口での現金入出金専用の普通預金口座。電信送金による入出金が可能な送金用普通預金口座。窓口での入出金も可能。プレミアデビットカードにリンクして決済口座になる。
他に、小切手決済用の当座口座Current Account もあるが、中国国内では小切手は簡体字SimplifiedChinese しか利用できない。

Account Type Key Features Minimum Balance Requirement
Settlement Account For cash deposits, withdrawal and transfer CNY1
Chequeing Account Cheque book facility provided CNY5,000
Overseas RMB Saving Account Specially for receiving RMB remittance from Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan, and provide domestic cash withdrawal services. Payment, settlement and transfer services are not available under this account. (For permanent residents of Hong Kong/Macau Special Administrative Region or Taiwan residents ONLY) CNY1
>Overseas RMB Settlement Account Specially for receiving self-named RMB remittance from Taiwan and provide domestic cash withdrawal services and local payment and transfer services. (For Taiwan residents ONLY) CNY1

Any difference in handling account opening for Overseas RMB saving account, Overseas RMB settlement account and normal RMB Settlement Account?

  RMB Settlement Account Overseas RMB Saving Account Overseas RMB Settlement Account
Who is eligible for it? Local Chinese residents, Foreigners, residents of HK SAR, Macau SAR or Taiwan HKID or Macau ID holders, or Taiwan residents Taiwan Residents
Joint account available? Yes, but the account holders must be direct relatives. No No
What form need to be completed? Customer need to complete “Customer Information/Sole Account Opening Form” and “RMB Settlement Account Opening Form” Customer need to sign on“ Customer Information/Sole Account Opening Form” and tick “Overseas RMB Saving Account" in the “Choice of account" section Customer need to sign on“ Customer Information/Sole Account Opening Form” and tick “Overseas RMB Settlement Account" in the “Choice of account" section and “RMB Settlement Account Opening Form”
How to differentiate them in account numbers? Suffix is 050 The first 9 digits are the same as that for RMB Settlement Account. Suffix is 054 The first 9 digits are the same as that for RMB Settlement Account. Suffix is 053

Note: “Customer Information/Sole Account Opening Form” is only required for new customers to first time set up the relationship with HSBC (China) (below ‘HBCN’).

Any difference in account operation for Overseas RMB saving account, Overseas RMB settlement account and normal RMB Settlement Account?

  RMB Settlement Account Overseas RMB Saving Account Overseas RMB Settlement Account
Can receive RMB remittance from overseas? Yes, can receive non self-named RMB remittance from Taiwan  Yes, can receive self-named RMB remittance from Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan Yes, can receive self-named RMB remittance from Taiwan
Any limit for the RMB remittance from overseas? The daily limit is CNY80K per person for RMB remittance from Taiwan  The daily limit is CNY80K per person for RMB remittance from Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan
The daily limit is CNY50K per person for RMB remittance from Macau
The daily limit is CNY80K per person for RMB remittance from Taiwan
Does it support RMB domestic transfer or transfer between self-named accounts within HBCN? Yes No Transfer-out allowed but transfer-in not allowed
Does it support RMB cash withdraw in branch? Yes Yes Yes
Does it support RMB cash deposit in branch? Yes No No
Does it support TMD placement? Yes Yes Yes (The principle and interest accrued must be credited back to this account otherwise it cannot be remitted back to Taiwan)
Does HBCN provide Debit Card service? Yes Yes ( as the secondary or third account only) Yes
Can the unused portion of the deposit in this account be remitted back? No Yes back to Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan, including the capital & interest Yes back to Taiwan, including the capital & interest
Any daily limit for RMB remittance back to Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan? N/A No No
Any charges for RMB remittance back to Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan? N/A HBCN will charge according to standard CNAPS tariff. The clearing back (BOC HK or BOC TW) will charge CNY40. HBCN will charge according to standard CNAPS tariff. The clearing back (BOC TW) will charge CNY40.
Does it support personal online banking? Yes Yes but limited to balance enquiry, time deposit placement and remittance back to Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan of the unused portion. Yes but limited to balance enquiry, time deposit placement and domestic remittance. Remittance back to Taiwan of the unused portion is temporarily not allowed until further notice.
Does it support personal phone banking? Yes Yes but limited to balance enquiry and time deposit placement Yes but limited to balance enquiry, time deposit placement and pre-designated local payment

Call Deposits

引き出す前に通知する口座。据置期間は1 ~ 7 日。普通預金に比べ高い利息が付く。最低預金額50,000CNY。最低引出額も同じ。

Account Type Tenor Minimum Balance Requirement Minimum Withdrawal Amount
Call Deposits 1 day or 7 days CNY50,000 CNY50,000
Call Deposit Plus* 7 days CNY100,000

Time Deposits

預入期間は3、6 カ月、1、2、3、5 年。最低預金額は50CNY

Account Type Tenure Minimum Balance Requirement
RMB Time Deposit Account 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years or 5 years CNY50

Foreign Currency Deposits

支店窓口で現金での入出金専用の口座Notes Account と、電信送金で入出金できる送金用口座Exchange Account(現金による出金も可能)がある。同じ通貨でも口座番号の末尾3 桁が異なる。

Notes Account Available Currencies* Minimum Balance Requirement
Multi-Currency Account USD, HKD, JPY, EUR, AUD,
GBP, SGD, NZD, etc.



口座グレード 通訳アテンド,サポート料(HK$)
HSBC Oneワン
HSBC Premierプレミア
HSBC Jadeジェイド


オフショア銀行アフター サポート内容
サポート内容抜粋 料金(HK$)
香港での投資商品のご案内 無料
住所や電話番号変更手続き 1,000/回 ※弊社の顧客は無料
口座解約の手続き 2,000/回
香港にて凍結解除手続き 2,000/回
渡航不要にて凍結解除手続き 3,500/回
オンライン操作サポート 5,000/年
その他、各種手続きやトラブル解決や通訳 お問合せください

HSBC香港の基本情報 Fundamental information of HSBC Hong Kong


名称 The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited / 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司
HSBC Hong Kong
本店所在地 1 Queen's Road Central Hong Kong SAR / 香港中環皇后大道中1号
営業時間 ※香港時間 月~金曜日: 9:00~16:30
土曜日: 9:00~13:00
電話番号 ※口座クラス別 HSBC Jadeジェイド: +852 2233 3033
HSBC Premierプレミア: +852 2233 3322
その他: +852 2233 3000
ホームページURL https://www.hsbc.com.hk/
申請書等の送付先 P.O. Box 72677, Kowloon Central Post Office, Kowloon,Hong Kong SAR / 香港九龍中央郵政総局信箱 72677号
SWIFT Codeスイフト コード HSBC HK HH