FTLife社の積み立て資産承継貯蓄保険リージェント / Regent 2 Premier

- 積み立て期間を2~10年の中から月払いや年払い選択可。また、積み立てが辛くなったとしても支払い停止可
- 何度でも名義変更が可能(回数無制限)。75才でも加入できる上に、オフショア香港で保険契約内で贈与可
- 現代の人生100年時代をもとに設計されているので、保障期間は128才まで
- 保証された現金の価値と、それに伴う年次配当と終了時配当でトータルリターンを加速(内部収益率6.83%)
FTLife社の貯蓄性の高い積み立て型承継保険、Regent Insurance Plan 2 Premier
リージェント保険プラン2(プレミア バージョン)は、年を追って現金価値の保証増加に加え、第1周年の日から毎年、年次配当金[1]を支給。年次配当の枠は資金調達のニーズを満たすために、即座に引き出せることもできるほか、保険契約内に利息として累積したり、加えて保険料の支払いに充てることもできます。
積み立て停止であるプレミアム ホリデーの行使が可能[4]『マーケット初』
終了時配当のロック オプション[3]『マーケット初』
- マニュアル ロック
その申請から3年間空ければ、次のロックの申請が可能。 - オートマチック ロック
積み立て金 – 高額契約割引
積み立て期間 | 年額 (USD) | 年額の%としての割引 |
2年 | <7,500 | 適用なし |
7,500 – <12,500 | 1.11% | |
12,500 – <30,000 | 2.78% | |
30,000 – <75,000 | 4.11% | |
75,000 – <200,000 | 4.22% | |
≥200,000 | 4.33% | |
5年 | <3,000 | 適用なし |
3,000 – <5,000 | 2.78% | |
5,000 – <12,000 | 5.56% | |
12,000 – <30,000 | 6.67% | |
30,000 – <80,000 | 6.94% | |
≥80,000 | 7.22% | |
10年 | <2,000 | 適用なし |
2,000 – <6,000 | 7.50% | |
6,000 – <10,000 | 10.00% | |
10,000 – <20,000 | 10.50% | |
20,000 – <50,000 | 11.00% | |
≥50,000 | 11.50% |
当該商品、Regent Insurance Plan 2 Premierをテーブルで以下のようにまとめます。
加入年齢 | 積み立て年数 | 加入年齢 |
2と5年 | 出生15日から75歳まで | |
10年 | 出生15日から70歳まで | |
積み立て年数 | 2と5、10年年払い。または、2と5年払いは一括払いも可能[12] | |
支払い頻度 | 年払いや半年、月々支払い 香港の銀行から引き落とし or 日本の銀行からの送金 or VISA/Masterカードで引き落とし |
保障期間 | 被保険者が128歳になるまで | |
証券通貨 | 米ドルのみ | |
最低年払い積み立て金額 | 積み立て契約年数 | 最低年払い積み立て |
2年 | 4,500米ドル | |
5年 | 1,800米ドル | |
10年 | 1,000米ドル | |
積み立て停止 | 積み立て契約年数 | 最大停止可能な期間 |
2年 | 不適用 | |
5年 | 2年 | |
10年 | 4年 |
1. Annual dividend, terminal dividend and interest from accumulatedannual dividend are not guaranteed. However, once distributed,the amount of the annual dividend and the accumulated interestwill become guaranteed. An annual dividend may be payable atthe sole discretion of the company on each policy anniversaryafter this policy has been in force for a minimum of 1 policy yearand provided that all premiums due have been paid up to eachrelevant policy anniversary. The amount of terminal dividendin each declaration may be greater or lesser than the previousamount based on a number of factors, including but not limited toinvestment returns and general market volatility.
2. Changing the insured is subject to the prevailing administrativerules. It will not affect the units, cash value and policy year,and maturity date will be changed to 128 years old of the newinsured. The new insured must be aged between 15 days and65 years of age (last birthday) and must not be older than theinitial insured by 10 years. The change of insured must beendorsed by the policyowner, insured and assignee (if any).Both the new insured and the current insured must be aliveat the time the insured is changed. There should be insurableinterest between the new insured and the policyowner.Following the change of the insured, all riders (if any) ofthe previous insured will be terminated. Riders attached tothis policy can be re-attached after the change of insured,however, the premium and approval should be subject to riderapplication at that time.
3. You can apply changes between options for unlimited timesbefore exercising the “Terminal Dividend Lock In Options". Oncethe option has been exercised, no change can be made. Theactual amount of converted terminal dividend through “ManualLock In Option” will be determined after the application isapproved. The amount may be lesser or higher than the amountshown at the time when you submit your application. After theconversion of terminal dividend, your future terminal dividend willbe reduced accordingly. All terminal dividend not yet be convertedcan be higher or lower or reduced to zero. While the “AutomaticLock In Option” is in force, the option will be immediatelysuspended upon partial surrender, and you have to submit arequest to resume the option.
4. The length of a premium holiday for each application should bea multiple of 1 year until it reaches the maximum limit. Premiumholiday is only applicable to the basic plan and will be effectiveon the next policy anniversary, but all riders attached to the policywill be terminated at the same time. Riders attached to this policycan be re-attached after premium holiday, however, the premiumand approval should be subject to rider application at that time.During the premium holiday, you do not need to pay premiums forthe basic plan, the units and guaranteed cash value will remainunchanged during the period, but the terminal dividend is nonguaranteed.During the premium holiday, we will not distributeany annual dividends, but the accumulated annual dividends andinterest (if any) will continue to accumulate with interest at a rateof 4.25% (this interest rate is not guaranteed and will be adjustedfrom time to time) per annum. Premium holiday is not applicableto policy with 2-year premium payment period. Please refer to thepolicy provisions for details of premium holiday.
5. There are 2 types of premium waivers:(a) “Waiver of Premium Benefit” is applicable to the insuredwhose age at policy issuance or the change of insured isbetween 18 and 60 and is the policyowner at the same time,and is diagnosed with total permanent disability before theage of 75.(b) “Payor Benefit” is applicable to the insured of the age 17 orbelow; the policyowner (including contingent policyowner)whose age at policy i ssuance or the change of thepolicyowner (including contingent policyowner) is at the ageof 60 or below, and dies or is diagnosed with total permanentdisability before the age of 75.After the waived premium of the basic plan reaches themaximum total amount of premium waived (per insured) and/or until the premium end date that is set at the time of policyissuance, the policyowner should pay the remaining premium;otherwise, the automatic premium loan will be applied, or thepolicy will be terminated. The premium paid after the date ofdeath or the date of diagnosis of total permanent disability will befully refunded (with no interest). If the incident is resulted fromaccident, immediate protection will be given. If a person dies or isdiagnosed with total permanent disability due to illness, a 2-yearwaiting period is required. Please refer to the policy documentsfor details of “Waiver of Premium Benefit” and “Payor Benefit”.
6. If the policyowner opts for the beneficiary to receive “a lump sumpayment for part of the death benefit, and the remaining will bepaid on a regular basis”, the lump sum amount should equal toor greater than 5% of the death benefit. However, interest onunpaid death benefit is not guaranteed, therefore interest maybe less than expected and the actual payout period may beshorter than the selected period. Only lump sum death benefitis applicable if an assignment is made. If the beneficiary(ies)die(s) while receiving the regular death benefit payments, theremaining amount will be paid to the beneficiary(ies)’ estate.If no beneficiary(ies) survives the insured and the policyowneris still alive, the death benefit will be paid to the policyowner inaccordance with the death benefit settlement option. Policyownermay also request to receive the death benefit in lump sum. Ifthe policyowner dies while receiving the regular death benefitpayment, the remaining death benefit will be paid in a lump sumto the policyowner’s estate.
7. Upon full surrender, the policyowner may choose to receivesurrender payment in a fixed amount on a regular basis. However,interest on unpaid surrender payment is not guaranteed, thereforeinterest may be less than expected and the actual payout periodmay be shorter than the selected period. If the policyowner dieswhile receiving the regular death benefit payments, the remainingsurrender payment will be paid in lump sum to the policyowner’sestate.
8. Total premiums paid refers to the total amount of premium(s) dueand paid for the basic plan. For policy with premium prepayment,the premium prepayment in premium deposit account will not becalculated in the total premiums paid.
9. Total permanent disability refers to any of the following thatresults from an illness or injury: (i) the total and irrecoverable lossof sight of both eyes; or (ii) the complete and permanent paralysisof two limbs or actual severance at or above wrist or ankle of twolimbs; or (iii) total and irrecoverable loss of the sight of one eyeand either the complete and permanent paralysis of one limb oractual severance at or above wrist or ankle.
10. Contingent policyowner refers to the person who is appointedby the policyowner on our company’s application or on ourdesignated form and is approved as contingent policyowner byour company. Please refer to policy documents for details aboutthe contingent policyowner.
11. The current interest rate offered is 2% p.a., but it is not guaranteed.
12. The premium prepayment option is only applicable to policy with2-year or 5-year premium payment period and annual premiumpayment mode. The prepaid premium will be credited to yourpremium deposit account and accumulate at the prevailinginterest rate offered at that time (The current interest rate offeredis 2% per annum, but it is not guaranteed). You can withdraw thefull amount of the prepaid premiums from the premium depositaccount. However, any interest credited will be forfeited. If theamount of the premium deposit account is not sufficient to paythe premium due to a decrease in interest rate, the policyowner isrequired to make up the relevant premium difference. Otherwise,the policy will be terminated or subject to an automatic premiumloan. If the insured passes away, the premium deposit accountbalance (if any) will be payable to the policyowner without anycharge.
FTLifeには香港でもっとも有名な保険会社。親会社は香港最大手の貴金属店の周大福やK11ショッピングモール、市バスなどを所有するNew World Development/新世界発展。つまり、香港を代表するコングロマリット(香港系財閥)の金融部門を担っている。2,800人以上のエージェントや独立した財務アドバイザーが在籍しています。
- 積み立て資産承継貯蓄保険のRegent Insurance Plan 2 Premier
- 一括払い資産承継貯蓄保険のFortune Saver Insurance Plan Ⅱ
- 年金プランのIncomePro Annuity Plan
- 積み立て投信保険のOscar
- 一括支払い投信保険のLegend
- 積み立てリバース モーゲージ年金保険のOn Your Mind
サポート内容抜粋 | 料金(HK$) |
商品のご案内 | 無料 |
住所や電話番号など各種変更手続き | 1,000/回 ※弊社の顧客は無料 |
その他、各種手続きやトラブル解決や通訳 | お問合せください |
FTLife香港の基本情報 Fundamental information of FTLife Hong Kong
世界の格付け機関から受けた推奨や高格付け(Fitch Ratings A-)は、F財務力の強さを表しています。FTLifeは多様な商品を提供し、将来設計や資産承継などあらゆる角度から顧客の資産をオフショアで保全します。
名称 | FTLife Insurance Company Limited / 富通保保険有限公司 又は単に FTLife |
KOWLOON - FTL Prestige Service Centre | Suite 3106-09, 31/F, Tower 6, Gateway, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
営業時間 ※香港時間 | 月~金曜日: 9:00~19:00 土曜日: 9:00~13:00 |
カスタマーホットライン/電話番号 | +852 2866 8898 |
ホームページURL | https://www.ftlife.com.hk |
csc@ftlife.com.hk | |
申請書等の送付先 | FTLife Kowloon Customer Service Centre 7/F NEO, 123 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong |